I woke up this morning after having slept under the stars. It was quite an amazing experience. I used to have dreams as a kid of my room morphing into outer space and I could see all the planets from my bed, with space ships flying around me... It was kind of like that as I looked up there were sooooo many stars and if I looked out I could see all the lights of the little town and the highway below. I highly recommend it.
We got coffee and the largest donut I have ever seen. It must have been 7 inches in diameter! We stopped in a small town just after crossing the Oregon border known as Irrigon. This little town has quite an amazing park in it. There are so many features and death obsticals. I love Irrigon!! It was featured in the Indy vid from 2007 and has the capsule/pipe with the door on one end and if you carve into it with speed you will either have to go over or jump because there are no other choices on that line.
Lots of other features include river rock coping, a brick coping pool corner with a small love seat (unfortunately missing a few), another door, lots of places to slash and grind and slide and hip... love this park!!
I was bummed about the missing coping, it made the love seat obstical even more challenging... And not I didn't loop the door..
There were two guys there riding around but they kinda rode the park like a grom would? just rolling around in the bottom, falling off, starting again, laying in the pipe... They left and we got back into it but the kids started to show. We got it so the park was divided, scooters, bikes and whatever on one side, skaters on the other but then the kid with the big wheel showed up. That was it. We had a good 3 hour sesh anyway and it was really getting hot... So off we went.
I should also say this park has nice benches, water, and a good bathroom. A nice welcome center to Oregon from the East.
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