Monday, December 7, 2009


The past two weeks have been insane. Busy at work and more busy skating. We had some epic sessions at Milwaukee and the Possum Ramp. Brad was initiated last Friday and did really well. I think he is addicted!


Cappetto was slashing and grinding. It's been a steady progression lately.

Brad did so well his first time out. I think if he keeps coming he will really shred vert!!

Such Luck Tim

A few Saturdays ago I stopped by Uncle Fun to see the man in the window, Such Luck. Tim is a local artist/skater/publisher and the man behind Such Luck. He was the guest artist for the day, working on some awesome calendars for 2010.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holiday week - Death Ramp and Gas Ass

Hats go off to Mr Arluck. Matt was such a great guy. One who always had a welcoming smile, great stories to tell and the best Smith grinds in the world! My thoughts go out to Matt's close friends and family. He will be missed.

It's been a really great couple of weeks for skateboarding. I felt like I had some kind of drive to try new things and go places. It was a short work week and Cappetto had three days off so we basically rode the Possum all week!! Oh yes.

Callahan was out twice this week too! Wednesday night, we had Pat out. It was the most skaters the Possum has seen at one time since last year. But I hope more heads will make it out. I really want to get some good sessions in this year with multi participants. So, come out for some! The ramp is humbling but when you get a group of skaters then the energy level makes you do great things!

My skating has really sucked since I got back from Oregon. However as I mentioned above, I have felt some kind of resurgence. Of course, as soon as I see video of myself I just want to stop. But stop? No! I need to land some tricks!! I think most of us feel that way. Maybe even Mr Owen? Not.

Cappetto is trying some new stuff too. Callahan was trying this crazy body varial. Wow. The after ThanksTurkey sesh was a good 4 hour long experience. The ramp warmed up quick too with all of the Turkey extract gas floating around. PU

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Carwashing, Wilsoning, Possuming

I have been really enjoying the good weather and the last week was no exception. I've been skating every day again like I would in summer? But all body parts are still working. I had to cut back this fall a bit because it was all exploding.

But the sessions keep getting better and the learning curve is curving in the right direction lately. Some random park shots:

Monday, November 16, 2009

Grand Haven and Grand Rapids 10/14 10/15

We went to Grand Haven and Grand Rapids this weekend. I had soooo much fun. Owen drove! SO I got to sit back and be annoying with MC, Pat, Danny and Cheryl. Woo Hoo.

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Grand Haven has some funny signs. I guess the local school had some design students do the layout. I guess one of the kids did not smoke?

MC got a little too friendly with the banana.

Pat's brother was there

The shredding was plentiful and so was the eating and drinking. I drank Rassberry Iced Tea and Root Beer. Party hard!

The vert sesh was going all day both days. This young guy from Detroit learned to shred vert too so Owen has somebody to ride with finally!!

Hard Hat Tim showed up to GR. It was such a rad sesh.!!

Detroit Youth Culture Rising

Mike Owen got friendly with the locals at both parks. The little kid reaction is priceless!!

Possum warm up 11/13

We had a nice Friday the 13th sesh at the Possum Ramp. Cappetto, Callahand and myself were in attendance as always. It is the third sesh of the season for these guys and my umpteenth. But this week everyone seemed to be doing better and getting it back. Whatever "it" is. I lost a lot of confidence on this ramp but seemed to be doing much better at this sesh so I was really stoked.

We were all trying things and putting some stuff down. I'm gonna try to ride the Possum 2-3 times a week this season and the invite is always open to all and any willing to come down.

Callahan decided to smack a McTwist out of no where and nearly landed this one. He hit the transition sideways and went flying. The video below shows his second attempt and the one that ended the day. Nastyness!

Odds and Odds


Beautiful Whiting

Umm...... Is that my old???

I was driving down 19th street and low and behold out of the corner of my eye lurked my old truck! One of my favorite in a long list of vehicles I previously owned or rented... Wow, this truck was great. And I know it is the exact one because, I painted the rims, bumpers, grill, and side rails on bed BLACK> Nobody else ever did it.

I talked to the owner and the specs check out, I really wanted to ask to see the title but I decided it would be good to quit interupting his work. and leave him alone...

Whiting Nov7ish

So it is mid November and it has been three weeks since my last confession. I have been doing stuff but neglecting my camera often.

Cappetto, MC and I made it out to Whiting on a nice day in November. The sesh was fun but we had lunch and waited too long. The sun was in a very nasty position most of the time so grinding the south wall was very difficult. In fact doing anything besides covering your eyes on that wall was about all.

There is always something at Whiting, this time there was blood everywhere. Sacrifice? Fist Fight? Dog Fight? who knows.
maybe just Whiting.