We got a good 3hr sesh in and it was time to start heading to Glenhaven, We stopped for some 99cent burritos on the way and arrived for an afternoon sesh. Glenhaven is in Portland but it is such a nice city that you don't realize you are in the city. It was super clean, (probably dirty for Portland) nice trees to hang under for shade and a rad park!
The street course is serious and there is a nice pool and a super fun bowl w/vert wall. I mean come on, the parks back home have none of this kinda good stuff. It is all like ice cream cones around here. Love it love it love it!!
The pool is pretty gnar, the shallow is pretty tight, not super tight but it does give you a jolt when you drop in. After riding of a while, my knee started to feel loose. Cappetto's knee started to act up. But I kept trying to get those stairs... Got some nice scrapers and some fun lines. The pool at Glenhaven is fun!
The bowl is so mellow and fast that it also provides so much GRIN power. If you do an X line you can pretty much carve forever. Yes, go to Glenhaven.
Dropped Cappetto off at the campsite for knee icing and beer drinking and I am on for a night sesh at Hood River. Again.
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