Friday, August 15, 2008

Motherland Stomp Day 31 - Denver and The Long Way Home - what day is?

Well, Day 31 has come and gone. I spent most of Day 31 at the wheel in my car. This is how it began:

We were able to stay with a friend in Boulder, CO last night which was great! Gregg is another old friend of Calabro's. This guy is an amazing human being. He is the CEO of a Media Company that does content for magazines, TV, adds, you name it. I think they are mostly Outdoor based. They do things for Tour de France, marathons, climbs, etc.

This guy has been to every continent accept Anarctica! He does adventure races which is going out and hiking, biking, climbing, running, etc. I guess, an Iron Man or Triathalon thing but through the wild. So to say the least he is an amazing athelete. The guy has been everywhere and back again. I was able to spend time updating the blog and then when Gregg got in, I just listened to them talk.


Gregg is like a guru, he is quiet, reserved and intense. He showed us pics from his last trip which was to Tibet! Unreal! I really want to go there someday. Listening to all of this talk of travel and adventure really fortifies my plans for this life. I am glad about the choices I have made previously but am even more excited about the future.

Enough of that:

We hit up the Denver Skatepark in the morning. This park is big and rad. It is an older park but a really good one! There are 5 or 6 bowls and a huge street course. The only problem was that the city workers were there, power washing the bowls out! So, all were full of water accept for the clover.


I have no pics because by this time my camera would not even turn on. I was kinda crabby about the powerwashing. It is great that the city actually cares about the place and maintains it. There are so many parks that are unsupervised and not maintained and then they wonder why things get messed up... But I wanted to skate!!

I was pretty stoked on the clover, the footy bowl and the big peanut. There is also a washboard and 6 spheres connected together by little pump bumps. The park is legendary for having a slick surface. I did notice it but you adapt and ride light footed. I think the kidney at the Cove in Santa Monica was the slickest bowl on the trip but Modern Skatepark in Grand Rapids is the Slickest place I have ridden in the country... We mop and sweep it every trip up there.

So with the flood and the drive ahead of us, I was kinda ready to head out. Calabro wanted to skate a bit but agreed and we were out of there. The odd thing was that I thought today was Friday and Calabro had a story due by Friday or death! So, I was more into getting in the car and starting the torture so we could get home and get things done.

I did not find out until the next morning (this morning) that we were in Denver on Thursday. So, we probably could have skated the whole day.. I could have met up with Denver Paul and maybe got in on some of those rad back yard things that are popping up all over the area... BIG oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The drive was uneventful accept for a serious rain storm from 10-11pm. After it cleared up, things were fine and I just kept going, taking gas/coffee stops and moving East. It took us 15 hours to ultimately get back and we arrived at 3am. Ugh. Denver to Chicago is a very long trip. I think the road through Nebraska is one of the longest stretches in the country. It does not curve, it does not turn, there is nothing to look at but flat fields. It reminds me a lot of flat ass Illinois. The drive down south is a killer!

I really wanted to stop and see my great friends Pat and Yayoi in Cedar Falls, Iowa. The time constraints just would not allow it and we did not even hit the turn off until 10pm. It was another 2 hours off the highway. I realized this the night before and had to call that night before and cancel.. But this is good because I will be getting back on the road soon to see them!! I will probably hit up the new Davenport park on the way in and out.

It is probably a good thing that I got home early, Calabro is right now scampering around trying to get his story done. Stress time at press time.

So life goes on, I spent most of today at Dacia and Calabro's apt updating the blog and getting my brain straight. I was still dizzy from the 15 hour drive last night... I am going to do a reflection post in the next few days once I process all that went on... I am also supposed to be working on a new blog soon with my good buddy Eric Frazier. Killer artist and professional hit man.

It is about 3:30pm here in Chicago and that means it is almost prime time for a sesh at Wilson!! I am gonna go hit up the ameoba for a few and then finish the stomp where I started.

Thanks all for reading, it was one of the greatest experinces in my life - I hope you all get on the road soon too and to what it is you love!! Live is short, "Life Won't Wait" get out and do it. NOW!! Email me your addresses - I want to send you T-shirts in thanks for your help and support!!

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