Monday, December 8, 2008

Milwaukee 12/7

Sunday was much needed round wall and pool coping fix time. This round was Fat USA Kevin, Oscar and myself. MC is in work land now - we won't see him 'till Saturday or Sunday. Maybe not even then. He did like 5 shoots this fall and all the Mags are demanding stories now and yesterday.

We made a stop to return the saws and drills to Nick. He lent them to me during construction of the ramp. Thanks a mill Nick!! Also thanks for the donation - very generous! You guys got to get out there and sesh soon!

Anyway, we arrived at 4 Seasons around the usual time 5pm. The parking lot was full - lots of bikers last night! They just finished a new biker area that covers the old kiddie street course to the other side of a park. It is essentially a BMX motocross ramp run with table tops, doubles, vert wall, etc. no pics (next week)

I was talking with Jeff and they are also planning to kill the mini and replace it with a bowled contraption. Basically the mini with a hip and corners?? Could be cool. I was assured that they are keeping the clover. It would be a national tragedy if it went away.

SO as soon as we got in the bowl the Blacktooth team from Madison showed along with Grump (Chicago chapter) and some dudes from Minnesota. It was snake time and shred time. I had a great sesh! I was so nerve racked from the fast snaking and radicalness that it took me a bit to get calmed down. I dropped in, double trucked the deep and ended up on my elbow over the hip. She was slick and I landed sideways. No biggie though, just a reminder to slow down a bit and get warmed up.

Good stuff. I only got a little footie as we were leaving. I was so into skating that the big sesh is only a memory now.

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