So it was Sunday the 22nd and our Skateboarding day was killer!! We went to three parks and had a blast. The LL crew stayed near Powell, we woke up ate coffee, donuts and Advil and were ready for more!
It was unfortunate that the other
We went to Powell for a repeat and got some redemption time in. We got to ride the pool with local Pro, Chris Higgins. This guy kills that pool. He rides that tight transition effortlessly. Then a couple of other guys showed up and we were having a great pool session. After a few pointers from Higgins, I learned the Goofy foot line and began getting tile in the shallow end. I was so stoked because I never had the opportunity to ride something like that before. I had always dreamed of riding a pool and the only time I was near a bac
I tried several times to do the stairs but kinda got distracted. You see, out of no where, the Quicksilver cruiser showed up, and all these Pros jumped out and kids were everywhere, Red Bull cans were flying in air. Kids were getting ollied over and kickflipped in the head.... My concentration was blown and we were outta there... Stairs next time, I hope.
The deep end is really easy to grind, slash, air, whatever, despite the fact that there is 2 feet of vert on a 4' transition and about 7' total deal...
The next stop was a re-run of Grove City where we spent the rest of the 9 hour skate day... I really love both of these parks and getting to hit them up two days in a row was a real treat. I was able to build a ton of lines a Grove today. I even got some slashers, airs and swe
We basically skated the place with a bunch of 12 year olds. Some of these kids were pretty darned good too! Allegedly, Morgan Burgess was living in the area and was a loc for about a year. I wish I could have seen that kid ride Grove!! Maybe next time, we will get to ride with Higgins or, Owen or someone who destroys, just to get that perspective also...
SO, after a long day of skating, all I heard about was how we were going out and destroy the bar next to the hotel. All this talk of doing this and that and as soon as the car was unloaded, this is what i see>>>
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