Friday, October 9, 2009

CarWash IV

So now I am out again... Not really but I am just done with the status I previously had... I am still an OG Carwasher and will show up for a sesh once in a while or on an off day for a few. I will donate with gratitude. It was an easy solution to a nasty situation. I know I would be tormented all winter about the "changes" so if I am not paying for those changes literally then I will have better piece of mind. I just have to seek other options now.

Sorry to those I am pissing off but I have to do what works for me here. I am done paying for others to skate.

MC, Dacia and Capt'n Phil and I joined together for our first Milwaukee sesh of the season. Hopefully Thursday and Sundays will be a regular thing... I bought a membership to the park this year so I hope to make the most of it. You have to go 12 times to break even. If all fairs well, I will go more than that!

We ended with a nice meal at the Palomino and even though I stayed away from fried stuff - my stomach was not happy. We also had a 45 minute delay. They shut the highway down and we had to take a nasty detour. UGH! Thanks C of Mil for letting us know it was planned. A sign or two would have helped.

But all is well... I finished an underpainting today and am going to skate Krush with Mr. Owen and Cheryl.

1 comment:

Karate Photography said...

I'm really worried that Soma being in charge is going to be trouble. When do you think that bathroom will be done?