Wow, I must say that it was great to get back to Chicago after a 6 month hiatus. But I guess I made a poor choice this time. I moved only about 5-6 blocks west of where I used to live but oh how things change. There are many more families living in my neck of the woods and many more cars so parking pretty much sucks all the time. It is as if I moved to Lincoln Park or something. On a normal day I have to drive around for 20 minutes or more if it is after 10pm...
Note, that is my Fit and I am double parked in front of my place. They have reserved 4-5 spots in front of my freakin' house!! I have to double park in front of an open space! WTF??
When you factor in snow and snow route parking ban then things get worse. Oh, and the traditional Daley spot saving technique... "If you shovel out the spot, it's yours for the entire winter". Yep, people claim these pieces of public property for their own by placing furniture, garbage cans, old boxes, stolen construction lights, whatever...
I can understand that if you shovel the spot out then one might feel some kind of ownership but NO! There was a nice article in the paper the other day about how people respect others and you obey the reserved spot rule, etc. Bottom line is that if I were to park in one of these "reserved" spots, I would get my tires slashed and a broken windshield out of the deal.
So where are the rest of the people on the block supposed to park when you eliminate up to 2 spots with your snow mounds and chairs??? I just sleep elsewhere when ever it is snowing more than 2". 18th street is often my only option and when the snow ban goes into effect, I stay out of my neighborhood.
Needless to say, I won't be living on this block next year. (I hope) Besides, Daley is supposed to eliminate parking to the effect of placing meters everywhere! I just hope I can find a place to buy some time soon, preferably with a garage. Like that would ever happen. When I got my job I thought I would suddenly be able to afford things that everybody else seemed to have. Well, after 5 years, I learned my lesson. They are all in debt and now loosing everything. I have nothing therefore have nothing to loose!!
These pics were all taken today within one block of where I live.. Awesome! I can't wait 'till it gets warm out and all the drunk thugs from the bar on the corner are out lurking around. One night I saw a guy relieving himself while walking down the side walk, another dude laying on the curb and a group of kids getting violently thrown into a squad car.. nice.
I wish I could get an official looking pickup truck and go around and just confiscate all the chairs!! Or pull a calabro and run them all over with the van. That would be even better!!!
Ughhhh!That pisses me off to no end. I wish the van had 4 wheel drive. I would smash up evey one of the illeagle parking obstructions. Exspecially the ones that arent maintened or even slighlty shoveled. Arg!
Move it and pack your lawn furniture in the car. Chicago is notorious for "spot saving". Meaning: if you shovel out a parking spot, it is yours until the street is plowed (and usually until the snow is gone). Lots of folks hate this. The mayor of Chicago has come out and called it acceptable and not to mess with people's spots.
Screw the mayor.
If you see someone holding a spot this way while you're walking down the street do everyone a favor and move their milk crate, stolen traffic cone, or lawn chair to the sidewalk so people can use the spot.
call 311 and ask to speak to the department of street and sanitation. They will remove the rubbish on your street. It has worked for other people.
fight the idiots
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