Monday, February 2, 2009

weekend and more

Well, at least it warmed up a bit this weekend. I was getting pretty tired of 10 degree weather. The sub-zero stuff went away too but I really do not trust it to be gone for long. It just turned into February and as we all know that can be the worst month! 26 days left of FEB and on to March. Lets hope March will be kind to us!!

I skated the car wash a few times this week but mostly the Possum. Callahan and I tried to skate it on Friday with no heat (ran out of propane) in 10 degree and less weather. It kinda sucked. I couldn't even see because the foggy breath I was emitting was blocking my vision!

Cappetto came by on Saturday and again on Sunday along with Callahan. It was much better in there Sat/Sun. the temp was like 35 or something which felt so much warmer!! Everyone else went to Krush and nobody could go to Milwaukee so I just worked on the wish list. Callahan landed a few things and I just kept trying.

Callahan put some footy of yesterday up here. I hope I am
not in there too much. I have a lot of work to do on that thing.

crap, I just watched it - fast forward through my parts!!

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